1. Acquirement, process and preservement of the personal data
On the purpose of fullfillment of the obligation that inflicted by the law and for the patient's well being; the personal data of the patient which is in digital or written environment, may be acquired, processed and preserved by Özel Öz İstanbul Medical Center.
2. The purpose of acquiring, processing and preserving of the data that acquired, processed and preserved
The acquired personal data by the call center, website or other canals, may be physically and/or digitally processed and preserved by the archives belong to the institution; in the name of determining the medical service and the related financing.
In this regard the concerned datas may be processed on the purpose of; verification of the identity, preserving the public hygiene, preventive medicine, conduction of medical diagnosis, identification, treatment and nursling, planning and management of the medical services and financing, internal functioning of the institution and planning of the operations, medication supplement, informing of the patients over the appointments, risk management, quailty improvement, execution of legal obligations, confirmation of the affinity among the contracted health care providers and the provision of the financial agreement, information sharing with the private insurance companies, billing, information sharing with The Ministry Of Health, covering every technical and administrative precautions withing the scope of data security, curation and improvement of the services provided, obtaining of the necessary information in the direction of regulatory/supervisory institutions and other legal authorities and any other reason that is proper to the objectives and activities of Özel Öz İstanbul Medical Center.
3. The personal datas that may be acquired, processed and preserved
Within the context of statement given above; your full name, identity number, passport number or provisional TC identity number, your birth date and place, marital status, gender, insurance and/or patient protocol number within the other idenfication information that can determine you, your adress, contact number, e-mail adress and all other contact information, verbal or written contact records, your sent and revieced e-mails, bank account informations, IBAN number, credit card informations, billing and bill informations, the data related to your private medical insurance, your social security institution datas, medical patient reports, diagnosis datas, biometric and genetic datas, laboratory results, test results, examination datas, appointment datas, prescription datas and other medical datas, the patient surveys that is to be filled by you, appreciation and/or complainment letters and any other datas that is proper to the objectives and activities of Özel Öz İstanbul Medical Center.
Every needed information that is acquired, is to be preserved according to the Data Security Standarts.
4. The rights of the data owners
According to the Legal Regulation Obligations, the data owner has the right to;
In the case of any usage of the rights stated above, the owner of the personal datas are to be provided feedback by Özel Öz İstanbul Medical Center, with the use of contact informations of the complainant.
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The content of our website has been created in order to inform the guests. The information provided within the website, can not replace any doctors treatment and consultation. Based on these resources, starting the medication treatment or change of the current treatment are abolutely not recommended. The content of our website, should never be considered for personal diagnosis or any treatment methods. There is no intention regarding the advertisements that are against the law in our website. © 2025, All rights are reserved. Privacy Policy. This website is created by CEOTECH . For further information: click.